
We partner with public sector organisations, in hospitals, schools and towns around Paris & beyond to help make culture more accessible.
"L'Aventure Artistique" in Saint-Germain-en-Laye: A Culture & Health Project!
Artistic Direction by Eric Bouvron
The goal of this Artistic Adventure is to ensure culture and artistique offerings at the Hospital of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, to ensure the transmission of artistic knowledge and savoir faire between both experienced and amateur artists, and to create intergenerational relationships through cultural and artistic practices.
Partners include L’hôpital de la ville de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, le théâtre Alexandre Dumas, and l’association LA CLEF. Generous support has been given by DRAC (Direction régionale des affaires culturelles) and ARS (Agence régionale de santé) within the program Culture et santé en Ile-de-France, facilitated by the association Arts et santé, La Manufacture.
You can watch this video for some images from the webseries devoted to our special project!
A Culture & Education Project: Friendly perfomance competition around the theme "Recyling Means Acting"
We worked with three middle school classes from various Versailles schools during theatre workshops around the theme of 'trash', 'sorting' and 'recycling'. On June 14th, 2017 during France's "Molière Month", when the country's most prestigious theatre awards are giving out, we finally got all of the classes together to present our own award: Best Performance based on the given theme! The students were excited (and a little nervous too) to finally unveil their creations to the public, and the friendly, encouraging spirit filled the theatre with wonderful energy.
These workshops and performances were thanks to barefoot's partnership with "Versailles Grand Parc" and the generous support of the zoological park in the city of Thoiry (The winning class received free entry into the park!). We were thrilled to organize such a unique, multidisciplinary project in which theatre arts adressed environmental concerns. Everyone learned so much while having a great time.
Click here for a fun video that follows students, teachers and artists in their performance preparations!
Les Cavaliers MASTERCLASS at the Lycée Français in San Francisco!
We had an incredible time in San Francisco creating and conducting a Master Class for the charming, motivated students at the Lycée Français. Theatre games, improv and ensemble building gave way to a beautiful moment of artistic and cultural exchange before going on to perform Les Cavaliers to a very enthusiastic, francophone and francophile crowd!
Get a glimpse into the MASTERCLASS for San Fran high school students here!